U. of North Texas’ First and Only Law School Dean Retiring

For the second time, Royal Furgeson Jr. is voluntarily retiring from a high-profile public service job that others might choose to keep for decades—or even for life.

“You always want to leave a little too early, not a little too late,” said the retired U.S. District Judge, who announced on Monday that he’s also retiring as the founding dean of the University of North Texas Dallas College of Law. He’ll remain at work until June 30, 2018, so he can see students graduate, log five years as dean and give the school time for a national search for a new dean. Afterwards, Furgeson plans to volunteer to help the school with fundraising and finding jobs for students, while he also dabbles in mediating, arbitrating, consulting and working as an expert witness.


PDF: U. of North Texas_ First and Only Law School Dean Retiring _ Law