Category: Lifestyle

Film About Women Leaving Law Airs Nationwide Starting Next Month

Millions of people across the country will soon better understand the struggles that women lawyers face every day to succeed in the legal profession. Starting in July, more than 260 public television stations across the country will begin showing the documentary “Balancing the Scales,” a film by Georgia lawyer and filmmaker Sharon Rowen. American Public Media …

Paternity-Leave Stigma at Law Firms Lifting, Ever So Slowly

Although research has suggested that the implied message inside many firms is for men to cut short their paternity leave—or face a stigma—some dads like Muench say they’re seeing more support from their colleagues to take time off. They’re also benefiting from an increasing base of other dads at their firms who have forged a path to make paternity leave more mainstream.

Shot of Bourbon? This Big Law Partner’s Got You Covered

Lawyers are used to filing paperwork in a pinch. But Mayer Brown partner Russell Nance was motivated like never before when armed state police raided his bourbon business, alleging he and his partners were running an illegal moonshine operation and committing a felony. Police gave them until the end of the week to secure a …

Big Law Onsite Day Care: The Trend That Wasn’t

(This story published originally on on Jan. 13, 2017.) Big Law couple Liz and Matthew Dubeck both made partner at their respective Los Angeles firms this year, thanks in part to wallabies, cheetahs, pandas and giraffes. “I currently have a giraffe and a panda,” said Liz Dubeck, referring to her son Emmett, 5, and …

Schulte Roth Founder Played Key Role in Real-Life ‘Loving’ Case

Attorney Bill Zabel said the new movie “Loving” accurately portrays the struggles of a white man and a black woman whose U.S. Supreme Court case overturned laws against interracial marriage. How would a trusts and estates attorney who has represented some of the nation’s richest people know? Zabel, founding partner of New York-based Schulte Roth …

Dementia Dilemma: When Older Partners Pose a Liability

He’s a senior partner at the firm—an accomplished, 50-year attorney and beloved mentor—who has begun to arrive late for court. He forgets key facts in cases. He dresses a little sloppily. He’s frequently impatient and quick to anger. It’s a scenario that’s becoming more common as baby boomers enter retirement age. The normal reaction from …

Pumping and Practicing: A Delicate Balance for Breastfeeding Lawyers

Working mothers who nurse must express their breast milk—a process that takes about 20 minutes—every two to three hours to supply food for their babies and cue their bodies to continue making enough milk. For lawyer moms, who often practice at the whim of client demands, it’s a huge challenge to keep a set schedule …

Cycling Lawyers Improve Their Bods and Their Business

Lawyers who want to get fit have a lot of options—running, lifting weights, cross-training, yoga. But for some attorneys, cycling is yielding more benefits than just shedding pounds. These lawyers say that the sport fosters camaraderie and conversation, which allows them to meet new clients, get closer to existing clients and strengthen relationships with colleagues. …